Monday, February 13, 2012

Romney, Cain Lead GOP Field In New Poll, Perry In Third

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Herman Cain's meteoric rise to the top of the Republican field has shown no signs of fading. The businessman and tea party favorite is in a statistical tie with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney to lead the GOP candidates, according to a Gallup poll released Monday.

Romney captured the support of 20 percent of Republicans nationwide, with Cain at 18 percent, and Perry at 15 percent. No other candidate topped 10 percent in the poll.

Fully 20 percent of Republican voters remain undecided in the race — double the percentage uncertain about the field last month, mostly due to the fading fortunes of Perry and Rep. Ron Paul.

Gallup notes that of the past nine Republican nominating contests, the leader in the national polls in the October before the election has won the nomination eight times. (The exception being 2008, when Rudy Giuliani led the polls.)

But unlike previous Republican contests, the race is much more competitive than historical GOP nominating contests.

Read the full results at Gallup >

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