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GOOG Sideways In Volatile Market
Markets are volatile today as European debt fears are keeping investors cautious. Shares of GOOG are trading sideways as well, mostly in the negative. Catalysts include continued Android momentum in the smartphone and tablet markets worldwide; Motorola acquisition approval and integration; regaining ground in China in search and pushing forward in mobile; any signs of life for Google TV (including Motorola); the roll-out of Google Music and social network Google+; and progress in other newer initiatives (location-based services, mapping, gaming, Chromebooks, etc.). The stock trades at approximately 11x Enterprise Value / EBIT, inexpensive relative to historical trading levels.
HTC In Market For Mobile Operating System, Could Limit Number Of Android Phones (AppleInsider)
Smartphone maker HTC has publicly stated it is considering buying its own mobile operating system platform, with HP's WebOS a potential option for acquisition. While the company has said Google made the "correct" decision to buy Motorola Mobility for its patent portfolio and the company became a direct beneficiary of the Google-Motorola deal when HTC filed a new lawsuit against Apple based on patents acquired from Google, having its proprietary operating system might limit the number of Android-based phones from the company. Or HTC could ditch Android completely.
Google Loses A Bit Of Search Market Share In August (Business Insider)
According to the latest search share data from comScore, Google lost a few basis points while Bing and Yahoo gained a few. Google's share was down 30bp month over month. This is good news for Bing however, overall, the big picture for the search landscape remains the same with Google's search share stuck around 65%, and Yahoo and Bing are in the 31% range.
Google Launches Daily Deal Aggregator In China (PCWorld)
Google launched a new portal in China that catalogs group buying deals, a return to activity there after pulling back from its operations in China more than a year ago. The site is called Google Shihui and was launched as a public beta. Shihui is an experimental search feature that aims to help people find deals through China's enormous number of group buying sites (4,000 according to analysts). It also worth noting that the new service is running on Google’s Chinese website “”, rather than Google’s Hong Kong website.
Cramer Likes Google For His September Stock Picks (Seeking Alpha)
Jim Cramer is not concerned about Google's recent anti-trust issues. They have positions in mobile, social and cloud services. The company is currently a part of the broader market sell-off. Cramer thinks the fundamentals are solid. Google has a $170 billion market cap and trades at ~19x earnings.
Google To Outperform And Exceed 52-Week Highs In Next 12 Months (Seeking Alpha)
Google could exceed 52-week highs over the next 12 months. Google has made all the right moves to positively affect the future of its company. Google is on pace to post full year earnings that significantly outperform its record year in 2010. The stock has trended lower during the market's recent sell-off because of economic uncertainty. For Google's upcoming earnings report, expect insight into its plan for Motorola Mobility and other recent acquisitions.
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